Nach dem Anhören von Griff und HONNEs Kollaboration fühlen wir uns gleich "1,000,000 X Better"
Da haben sich zwei wunderbare britische Acts gefunden: Griff und HONNE. Die hochgelobte 18-jährige Sängerin und Producerin hat mit den von der Kritik nicht minder geliebten Kollegen den Song "1,000,000 X Better" aufgenommen. Über warm pulsierende Electro-Soul-Sounds transportieren Griff und HONNE eine schöne Botschaft: "You make me feel a million times better / When I’m with you". Unten kann man den Künstlern bei einer gemeinsamen Studio-Performance mit ihrem Track zusehen.
"Honne DM’d me back in December saying they loved my music", sagt Griff zur Entstehung der Kollaboration. "I was already a huge fan, so we got together a couple of weeks later. We ended up writing ‘1,000,000 Better’ about having that one person in your life that can make you feel better. And like, despite having a bad week, a period of low mental health or whatever we struggle with day to day, there’s always that one person in your life that can make your troubles drop away as soon as you’re around them."
“You know that excited feeling you get when you discover some great new music? That’s the feeling we got when we first heard Griff", geben HONNE das Kompliment an Griff zurück. "A friend of ours recommended we take a listen and we were instantly hooked. We awkwardly sent her an Instagram message and wrote the track in London together. We did some finishing touches in LA as we happened to both be out there at the same time, and caught her first show in the US (which was incredible). Working with Griff is effortless and we couldn’t be more excited for this song to come out.”